"So what type of guy do you usually go out with?" Now that's a pitifully weak way of trying to evaluate a woman's Interest Level in you.
When a guy asks a woman that question, what he's really asking is, "Am I your type?", which is a wimpy thing to ask. It's just as bad as asking, "Do you like me?" Would a woman ever have romantic fantasies about a guy who asks her, "Do you like me?" Maybe, but only if she's a control freak.
1. What is the weirdest place you have ever had sex?
2. Are you a virgin?
3. How much money do you make? (This is really none of your business until you get to know each other better).
4. Do you have any children? (He or She may think that you are trying to eliminate her from seeing you again because you don't date women with children).
5. How many sex partners have you had?
6. How long has it been since you had sex? (OK you get it now, don't ask anything about sex)
7. At the end of the date you ask: Do you mind if I spend the night? (This will give her the impression that you just want to use her for sex).
8. Do you do drugs?
9. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
10. How much do you weigh? (You must never ask this because single women are very sensitive about their weight).
Today's society might be more open than our forefathers but asking for the length of a guy's penis is still pretty much taboo wherever.
Sure, he used to compare sizes with his friends when he was growing up, but for a girl to ask him that can totally turn him twenty shades of red.
Most guys are sensitive about their length. This is one of the top most embarrassing questions to ask a guy so make sure you keep such thoughts to yourself. At least, until you two are more intimate.
Still on the subject of a guy's length. There are few things in this world than can embarrass men like nothing else. Unlike women who are usually more sensitive to physical attributes, men don't really put a lot of emphasis on what they look like. Until the subject of you-know-what comes up.
Circumcision is an issue that has different points of view, depending on what culture a man has. Nevertheless, this is one of the embarrassing questions not to ask a guy.
Do You Love Me?
This is especially true for men who are still not settled into their relationship. Or for young inexperienced lads who are not yet used to such straightforward questions about their affections.
It might seem odd for women (which totally supports the idea that women are from Venus and men are from Mars). Men are just not used to talking about their emotions. Although this is one question you would want to ask at some point in your life.
Even though emotions and organ size seem like two completely different things, they are issues that even the manliest man will blush at.
Ladies, don’t ask “When will I see you again?” If he hasn’t brought it up by now, chances are he won’t. At least, not for anything serious.
“Do we have a future?” This is a completely ridiculous question to ask if you’ve just started dating. It’s also a surefire way to scare someone off.
Men, never ask “Are your parents still together?” and follow it up with “Because family is very important to me.” This is just plain stupid. You aren’t dating her parents and whether her parents are married or not are no indication of her own level of happiness. Her family may include a drunk mother, a bipolar father and a sister who chooses to sleep in a coffin but that doesn’t mean she’s any less relationship worthy.
“Are your breasts real?” Guys, women would never ask, “Is your penis as small as your hands?” We may be thinking it, but we at least try not to stare at your crotch.
“Do you own a home?” Tacky! No matter what your reason for asking, it just sounds like you are trying to assess their finances. If you must know, don’t follow it up with “Where?” Show some restraint.
“Why don’t we meet at Starbuck’s?” It cold, cheap and has no privacy. What’s sexy about being surrounded by studying students, soccer moms, and loud coffee grinders? Show some class.
“How many people have you slept with?” Regardless of the number they give; you probably won’t believe them anyway. Subconsciously, you’ll judge them for being promiscuous or inexperienced. Unless you’re looking for a virgin, do past partners really matter?
“How do you feel about sex on the first date?” If you wake up in bed with them the next morning, you’ve got your answer.
“Can you drive me home?” I love when men send their friends home because they’re so sure they’ve got a shot with me, never stopping to check if I was actually interested. Even if I met you at a friend’s house, I don’t know you!
“Will you buy me a drink?” Girls, you should know better! You should never have to ask. If he hasn’t offered, “he’s just not that into you”. Or cheap. Either way, you should be out having a good time on your own dime. You earned it, girl!
“What do your parents do?” Grow up! Who cares what their parents do? This should only be your concern if you think gold-diggers have the right idea.
“What do you do?” People aren’t defined by their professions. Asking this right off the bat is an automatic turn-off since it feels like they’re being sized up. People need a couple minutes to relax before they’re comfortable enough to talk about their lives. Be creative! Ask questions about art, travel, even their favorite Saturday morning cartoons
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