One of the most important relationship skills everyone needs to know is how to move on after a bad relationship. Staying in a bad relationship prevents you from finding someone better, and worse, can be damaging to your well-being.
So what are some of the warning signs that you are in a bad relationship?
Though women (and men) often deny the many red-flags they see or rationalize the bad behavior of their partners, I think most people know deep in their gut when they are with a WOS (wASTE OF SPACE). While WOSs come in many shapes and sizes (I describe the lying-weasel, sloth-pig, bully-bear and cheating-snake varieties), they tend to all share similar features:
They disregard your needs and feelings.
They repeatedly commit the same bad offenses, even knowing that they’re hurting you.
They don’t take responsibility for their behavior, blaming you for everything that goes wrong in the relationship.
I also describe varying degrees of chumpiness. Sometimes a relationship is worth salvaging if the chump wants to change their behavior and he or she actually does!Clearly if a couple has been together for many years, has children and is deeply financially intertwined, it’s not easy to walk away from the relationship, this is why it's so important to take the plunge with the right person.
Reset Your Goals
Give yourself some time to heal your heart and reestablish the goals you want in life. Put yourself back together before you consider starting a new relationship. Remember, life is not perfect. People live and people learn everyday of their lives
Learn From Your Mistakes
Women who learn from their mistakes can move forward into a new relationship. Women who tend to dwell on their mistakes will bring the same faults to their new relationships. When you bring old baggage to a new relationship, it is doomed to fail before it has a chance to begin. Learn from your breakup but don't prejudge your new relationship based on your past. Don't allow your past mistakes to rob you of any future happiness.
When you start again, remember to keep an open mind. All men have similar traits but no two men are exactly the same.
Letting go of a bad relationship is not always easy. For whatever reason, some people choose to stay in relationships that are no good for them. In many cases, even those who do end an unhealthy partnership have extreme difficulty letting go. They struggle to move past where they once were and have trouble starting over. The person who can’t let go of a bad relationship can have many thoughts running through her mind.
Boost your self esteem and Take some time off for yourself
If you’ve never been in a bad relationship, you might find it hard to understand how someone might not be able to let go. For the person in the bad relationship, it’s a matter of self worth. There is an overwhelming fear of never having anything better than what you had with your partner. The feeling stems from a low self image and often comes to create relationship problems. In many instances, people whose self worth are low have long listened to his or her partner explain that they could never have anything better than what they have now, or that no one else will ever want them like they do. Moving on can be impossible if you don't believe you deserve better. One thing always suffers in a bad relationship-you-now is the time to spoil yourself, go on you're worth it.
Surround yourself with friends and loved ones. Talk about how you're feeling and allow them to comfort you and offer you advice. A break up can be a very lonely experience, therefore, surrounding yourself with others that you love and trust will help to erase some of the loneliness. Don't try to deal with the experience all by yourself. In fact, go out and meet new people, rebuild old relationships, network and immerse yourself into social situations. You should never isolate yourself in a relationship but if you had done so now is the time to find your trusted friends again.
Start dating again. I know this may raise a few eye brows but I stand by it. After you have given yourself adequate time to get over your last relationship, you should consider getting back into the dating game. Allow yourself to fall in love again and enjoy the start of a new relationship. Be very careful to not rush things and take the time to really let your partner into your life. However, take care not to transfer all the burden from the past relationship to your new one. It is one of the best ways of getting over an ex,but take the new dating process slowly. No cut to the chase stuff here, remember you don't want to repeat any mistakes from the past.
Try something new. You have a fresh start right now. All the plans that you thought you had are no longer going to happen so it's a great time to re-evaluate your life. Is there something you've always wanted to try but haven't had time for? Well, suddenly you have no plans on Saturday night so it's a good time to try something new! Take art lessons, learn to play an instrument, join a sports league, get involved with community service, start going to church, join a gym. All those self-improvement projects that you'd mean meaning to get around to? Now is the time!
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