1. Socialise as a couple Why would you need to go out in the evenings when you have your man, a bottle of wine and the boxed set of The Wire on tap every night? While it's good to have down time alone together, seeing one another interacting with other friends will help you to see each other in a new light and act as a reminder why you fell for each other in the first place
2.Socialise separately When you're in a long-term relationship it can be easy to lose your sense of self. He fell in love with a single, independent fun-loving chick. So remind yourself and him just who that girl is. Organise one night each week when you both see friends or pursue an interest of your own.
3. Take a trip down memory lane When you first get together with someone your body is flooded with "love" chemicals that leave you feeling high as a kite. To help rekindle that feeling, take yourself back to the time when your love was all-consuming by looking through your old holiday snaps or revisiting the venue of your first date.
4. Turn off the TV In the early days, you couldn't get beyond the opening credits of a film without finding yourselves in the throws of passion on the sofa. Sadly, as time wears on the ratio of snogging to staring at the small screen tends to do an about turn. Tonight, make a pact to switch it off and spend the evening focusing on each other whether it's talking, making love or even playing a game of scrabble.
5. Go on a date Do you remember those first few precious dates together? Not being able to concentrate on your work all afternoon in anticipation of what's in store; the butterflies in your stomach as you're getting ready and choosing what killer outfit to wear; him planning which restaurant or bar to impress you with? When was the last time you went to that much trouble to make a night out together, special? Exactly!
6. Cook together They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach and it's a pretty good way to a woman's, too. Switch on the kitchen radio, pour yourselves a glass of wine and set to work cooking up a feast together. Take the trouble to eat at the table, dim the lights and put on some music you both love or that's special to you. You'll be wanting each other for dessert by the end of the evening.
7. Get a haircut At the start of a relationship, you can wow him with a new look every time you go out - hair up/hair down, heels/flats, rock-chick/glamourpuss... Now, of course, his love goes much deeper than your heels and hairdo but surprising him with an amazing new look is a great way to blow his socks off and remind him how lucky he is.
8. Have an early night… tonightWhen you first get together with someone, it's hard to keep your hands off one another. But when you're both holding down busy jobs it doesn't take long for sex to become a weekend-only pursuit. Rekindle that feeling of midweek excitement by sending him an email with a "subtle" teasing suggestion of what you have in store for him later. We guarantee he'll be taking an early mark tonight.
9. Take a day off work together Weekends are great but there's something decadent and exciting about letting your hair down when all around you are chained to their desks. Book a day off and take a train to somewhere beautiful neither of you have ever been before. Get holed up in a cosy pub and enjoy getting slowly sozzled/go walking in the country/go white-water rafting. Whatever floats your boat.
10. Take up a fun activity together; This can work wonders and re-energise your relationship. The combination of fresh air, exhilarating exercise and great scenery will have your bodies flooded with endorphins, the "happy" chemicals that are associated with the wonderful feeling of falling madly in love.
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