How do you know if a woman is interested in you? Sometimes men confuse friendliness with flirting and think that just because a woman smiles at you that she wants to go on a date with you. Women have to be so careful sometimes not to lead men on because they end up making too much out of a woman's friendly overture or casual conversation. But when a woman is genuinely attracted to you, here are the signs shes interested:
If a woman is attracted to you she will:
Smile at you a lot She won't be distracted or act annoyed. She will act happy to talk to you.
Talk to you She won't walk away. She'll stay and chat to get to know you.
Look directly at you
She won't keep looking past you as though she's checking the place out for other guys. She will focus on you and look you in the eyes.
Laugh while she's talking to you
If you tell a joke she'll laugh. Or she'll just laugh in general.
Ask you questions about yourself She will want to know about you and will ask you what you do for a living, where you live, about your family, your interests. She's trying to gauge your status and whether you might be compatible with her.
Touch your arm or hand If she really digs you, she will lightly touch you somehow in the course of the conversation, maybe to emphasize a point.
Lean toward you Her body will be talking too. She'll also point her legs toward you and will not cross her arms.
Make a reference to the future If she says something like, "We should do that sometime," or "Maybe I'll see you there," she's definitely decided she likes you.
Give you a compliment If she says something complimentary, like about what you're wearing or something you just revealed about yourself, you're in the money with her.
Give you her card, email address or phone number This is a no-brainer and one of the strongest signs she's interested. If she gives you her digits it's the clearest possible signal.
The signs she's interested in you are clear. If she does none of these things, you can safely move on without wondering, "Did she like me?" And don't waste time wondering why she didn't because it doesn't matter. Everyone has different tastes and likes and dislikes and it's foolish to try to figure out why someone wasn't interested.
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